For Franziska Trautmann and Max Steitz, waste is an opportunity to innovate and upcycle.

The world is currently facing a pressing need for sustainable practices, and the issue of waste management is at the forefront.
While some may see waste as an inevitable byproduct of our consumer-driven society, others view it as an opportunity to innovate and upcycle.
This is where the story of Franziska Trautmann and Max Steitz comes in.

Their journey began in February 2020, when Trautmann and Steitz started collecting glass bottles from fellow students and friends and founded Glass Half Full Nova.
They crowdfunded $18,000 for a professional machine to pulverize glass into sand, and their efforts paid off.
The process of turning recycled glass into sand has become an upcycling hero, finding new purpose in landscaping, construction, and even coastal restoration.

Glass Half Full Nola now recycles about 100,000 pounds of glass every month, with just eight employees.
They have diverted 3.2 million pounds of glass from landfills and helped to restore Louisiana’s shrinking coastline.

Glass Half Full Nola has given burlap bags filled with glass sand to residents for flood protection during hurricanes. This is an innovative way to use recycled glass, and it shows how even waste can be transformed into a valuable resource.
Their approach to sustainability is refreshing, and it shows how innovative recycling initiatives can provide economic benefits too.
Glass Half Full Nola is creating new opportunities for small businesses, working with a local glass blower and a jewelry designer to create a jewelry shop, Nola Alchemy. They’re essentially turning trash into treasures!

Every day, millions of tons of waste are produced, and we need to find innovative ways to recycle this waste. Trautmann and Steitz’s efforts demonstrate how innovation can be used to transform waste into a valuable resource.